Retail security system.

Top Retail Security System Solutions

Loss prevention and safety ideas for retail store owners

In the security world, we consider retail stores a ‘perfect storm’ of security threats. And whether the threat includes an active shooter situation or simply a local teenager pocketing a candy bar, when it comes to maintaining the safety and profitability of a retail store, there is so much a commercial security system can do to ease stress and streamline operations.

We’re going to briefly cover a few of our recommendations for both enterprise and local retail stores. Ultimately, the safety of employees, customers and product can be vastly improved with just a few tweaks. If you’re looking for ideas on how to reduce shoplifting, this guide will also help.

Common Security Threats

Here are some common refrains which can be fixed with designed security systems for retail stores:

  • How can I get ahead of loss prevention?
  • Never have an employee dismissal go bad again
  • How do I reduce shoplifting?
  • How do I prevent forced entry?

Loss prevention and forced entry in the act, not after

Retail businesses have more security problems to face than other businesses. After all, they have to consider everything from shoplifting to security threats from employee turnover. Shoplifting alone accounts for as much as $36 billion in revenue loss (as of 2018) for retail businesses. Cybersecurity is also an element that today’s business owners need to keep in mind.

While addressing security threats, business owners need to create a great customer experience, so any security solutions should be seamless.

For this, we recommend live guard monitoring through Deep Sentinel retail store security cameras. When we install Deep Sentinel cameras, we essentially create eyes everywhere. Instead of your security cameras being reactive and more of a research tool, Deep Sentinel will actively monitor your cameras and watch for breaches and theft while you focus on your customers.

With 2-way audio on a 104db speaker, the guards can also alert burglars they have already called the police. In this way, you’re protecting your inventory and staff during the act, not after. This is just another way a commercial security system can work for you while your focus on what you need to do.

Window and door sensors tied into an alarm system also provide an additional layer of security by catching forced entry before the burglar makes their way into sight of the cameras.

Never have an employee dismissal go bad again

It’s an unfortunate part of owning a retail store—sometimes you have to let employees go. Sometimes, however, those employees want to come back afterwards.

To prevent this, we recommend outfitting your sensitive areas and perimeter with a versatile and cost-effective commercial security system like Salto.

Salto works wirelessly on any entryway whether it’s a smartlock on your storefront doors, a cylinder for your employee filing cabinet or a sleek opening solution for that often-abused employee entrance.

Because Salto is a bonafide wireless access control system, there’s only a need to provide it a gateway to access the cloud. What’s great about Salto is its price-point and versatility.

It does require professional setup, so be sure to reach out to us if you’d like to know more about installing this or a similar system.

As an added bonus, Salto’s backend software allows anyone, anywhere to quickly remove or grant access and change access functionality from your site or 100s in seconds.

How do I reduce shoplifting?

The reality is people shoplift. While we can’t change that, we can absolutely help your product stay on your shelves. The best loss prevention ideas for retail locations come directly from the antitheft devices you use.

While Deep Sentinel cameras are fantastic as an advanced layer before they get to the door, we recommend RFID tags on your most valuable items. These are easy to clip on, easy to remove and allow you to be sure you’re getting the most of your commercial security system whenever you see it on the shelf.

These solutions require RFID scanners at the exits, so be sure to do some research on if it’s a good fit for you. It beats a security guard! While we don’t perform many of these installs, our partner Sensormatic does. Give them a look and see if they’re a right fit for you.

Preventing Forced Entry

Having been around for nearly three-quarters on a century, we’ve seen an awful lot of ways people can bypass a commercial security system. For instance, we once caught wind of a situation in which a burglar had cut into the side of a building with a circular saw to gain access to the building.

Ultimately, that burglar made out with an extremely large amount of high-value product. When you’re evaluating a commercial security system for your retail store, you won’t be able to account for situations like this.

This is why we recommend a 360-approach to commercial security systems wherein you’re covered under multiple layers of safety and software.

Fortunately, most break ins occur at the door or an exterior window—so most people aren’t cutting through walls willy-nilly. Ensure your doors and windows are in good shape and have new hardware on them. If it wiggles, swap it. Burglars are incredibly clever and will do just about anything to get in and out without getting caught. Your retail store is only as secure as your doors after all.

Get a Quote Today

Seamless security solutions that protect your business are what we do best at The Flying Locksmiths. Find out about how we can customize your retail shop’s security, including an access control system and security cameras, by calling us today! We would love to hear more about your security needs and provide you with a quote to get you started.