egress door

What Is An Egress Door?

An egress door is designed to allow an easy escape from a building in the case of an emergency or during an evacuation. But, the term egress door does not apply to only the door at the exit. All doors along the path of egress are also considered egress doors and must meet the same safety standards. That means if your business has hallways and walkways that lead to the emergency exit, any and all doors installed along the way become egress doors.

How Is An Egress Door Different From A Regular Door?

Because an egress door must provide all occupants with a means to escape the building quickly and easily, several regulations must be followed.

  • Regular Doors: Regular doors can be any shape or size you desire. They do not need to open or operate in a particular way or provide handicap access (unless the door provides access to a public area that is subject to ADA regulations for handicap accessibility). The doors in your home are likely regular doors unless you have someone with special needs living in your home. A business may have regular doors on closets or entrances to storage rooms or private areas.
  • Egress Doors: Egress doors must be at least 32 inches wide, but no more than 48 inches wide to provide easy access. The door also must open outward and cannot be kept locked from the inside. They must be equipped with a panic button or panic bar that automatically unlocks the door and allows it to open freely. Escape must be possible with a single motion, such as pushing the panic button or panic bar. Deadbolts and other locking mechanisms that require more than one action are not allowed. Other regulations and safety precautions may also apply.

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Is AN Egress Door And A Fire Door The Same?

No. An egress door is designed to allow escape from the building during an emergency. A fire door is designed to prevent the spread of fire or flames with a fire-resistant core and requires an annual inspection. A fire door also has a mechanism to ensure the door closes and remains locked during the fire. At The Flying Locksmiths, we are certified fire door inspectors and can answer any questions you may have. Many egress doors meet the requirements of a fire door, but not all egress doors are designed to stop the spread of fire.

Do You Need An Egress Door In Your Home?

Yes. Your home must have at least one egress door. Two egress doors, installed at opposite ends of your home, are recommended. Bedrooms must also have an egress window for easy escape in the event of a fire. Egress doors inside private homes do not have panic buttons or panic bars and are not subject to the same locking regulations as those in public buildings. However, the door should be easy to unlock for all members of the household.

If you are unsure whether the egress doors in your home or business meet the current safety regulars, The Flying Locksmiths can help. Our trained and experienced employees can help you determine the right kind of doors and locks for your situation. Contact us today to get started.