Card access control system and commercial facility.

Is Access Control More Secure Than Locks and Keys?

In the past, businesses have relied on simple locks and keys to secure their buildings. These days, a lock and key aren’t enough to keep your business safe. Since you’ve invested so much time and energy in your company, make sure to protect it with a system created to stand up to today’s threats. Take a look through this blog post to learn more about the main differences between a standard lock and key set and a full access control system.

The Main Functions of a Lock & Key Set

The initial cost of a lock and key set for your business may be low, making the option seem more attractive to you. However, thieves understand how to pick and destroy traditional locks, making your business more vulnerable to break-ins.

Secondly, a physical lock and key may add inconvenience any time you gain or lose a staff member. If someone joins your business, they’ll need to be granted immediate access. When an employee leaves your business, you may need to replace locks on multiple doors. Even if an employee turns in their key on their last day, you should still replace the locks if they left on bad terms. Key replacement is a common issue for business owners who choose a physical lock and key, since people tend to forget or lose their keys.

The Basics of Full Access Control Systems

As thieves become more advanced, so do security systems. Today’s systems are more affordable than they used to be, and the advantages are endless. A full access control system is much harder to crack than traditional locks, making your business safer. Keys to an access control system are next to impossible to duplicate.

Furthermore, your convenience is almost as important as safety and security, and access control systems provide plenty of convenience. As a business owner, you have a long to-do list, and the last thing you want to worry about is constantly replacing keys or changing locks. An access control system will enable you to quickly remove the security access of an employee who has left your business or grant access to a new employee, issuing a new key fob or card with a few easy steps. A keypad is especially handy if you need to give or limit access during an emergency.

How to Invest in the Security of Your Business

Find out more about the benefits of a full access control system from the team at The Flying Locksmiths. We would be happy to learn more about your budget and business and customize an access control system that suits both.

Check out our website to find out more about our services, and then call us to discuss your business’s security needs and set up a consultation.